Reimagining Philanthropy in the Global South: From Analysis to Action in a Post-COVID World. Published 2024. Edited by Clare Woodcraft, Kamal Munir, and Nitya Mohan Khemka. Cambridge University Press
This book looks examines how newer models of philanthropy are tackling development challenges and questions how organisations are coping with structural changes in donor-driven philanthropy. It explores how changes in traditional grant making are impacting the imperatives of recipient organisations and how indigenous philanthropy is making a difference. Silvia co-authored Chapter 2 – “A Model for Promoting Systems-Change Philanthropy by Leveraging Networks”.
The Future of Philanthropy in Brazil: Contributing to Social and Environmental Justice. Published 2023
A pioneering report commissioned by Instituto Beja. Silvia authored this report based on 42 interviews with Brazilian philanthropists, professionals and experts. Its ten key findings cover context and motivations, estimated giving, latest developments, philanthropy’s nature and role in Brazilian society, equality and trust, systems change, the philanthropic and civil society sectors, promoting and increasing philanthropy, and a future outlook. See Portuguese translation here.
Giving in the Gulf Cooperation Council: Evolving towards strategic philanthropy. Published 2022
This trailblazing study outlines the giving motivations of philanthropists across Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and assesses the trends and opportunities for philanthropy in the region. Silvia acted as a thought partner for the Centre for Strategic Philanthropy at the University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School, in discussions around distilling the key findings of this pioneering report, and participated in the overall research efforts.
LGT Guide to Strategic Philanthropy. Published 2022
Silvia helped the authors of the Guide, LGT Philanthropy Advisory and Philanthropy Insight, to structure and finalize the publication. The Guide is cause-neutral and is for those who want to use their resources to have a positive impact in the world. It features 30 leading philanthropists from around the world who share their personal experiences of supporting social or environmental impact. See the German version here and it is also available in Portuguese and Arabic.
Promoting Higher-Impact Philanthropy: What We’ve Learned. Published 2021
This document, which Silvia co-authored, outlines Co-Impact’s observations on global philanthropy that help to explain why systems-change philanthropy is not yet very common, including putting forward a typology of philanthropists that aims to describe the journey many take towards becoming a “systems” philanthropist. See the one-page typolgy here.
Embracing Complexity. Towards a Shared Understanding of Funding Systems Change. Published 2020
This report is the first-ever global effort to bring together the voices of those seeking to fund systems change with those who are delivering it on the ground. Silvia collaborated with Ashoka, Catalyst 2030, Echoing Green, McKinsey, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, the Skoll Foundation, and SystemIQ, to jointly author and put forward a joint point of view on funding for systems change.
The Co-Impact Handbook. First published September 2019, second edition June 2021
The Co-Impact Handbook seeks to articulate who Co-Impact is, its values, theory of change, way of working, and approach to partner effectively with others. It answers the question of what it takes to get philanthropy right, particularly when we care about enabling enduring impact at scale. Silvia co-authored especially the point of view on philanthropy fit for supporting systems change.
The Global Philanthropy Report: Perspectives on the Global Foundation Sector. Published 2018
This is the most comprehensive analysis to date of global philanthropic practices and trends. The report was authored by researchers at the Hauser Institute for Civil Society at Harvard University. Silvia began discussions with Harvard about this project in 2014, funded the research from UBS, and was a key thought partner on the project.
New Values and Vision: Perspectives on Philanthropy in 21st Century China. Published 2017
A report from an exploratory study of philanthropic giving among China’s very wealthy citizens offering a new look with deep insights into growing Chinese philanthropy. Study conducted by Harvard University. Silvia funded the research from UBS and was a thought partner in discussions with the authors around distilling the key findings of the report.
Creating Impact through Philanthropy: A Nordic Perspective. Published 2017
A pioneering report on philanthropy and social investment by wealthy individuals in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Study conducted in partnership with the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum. Silvia commissioned the report, helped to distil the key findings and wrote the opening letter.
Principles and Practice of Impact Investing: A Catalytic Revolution. Published 2016. Edited by Veronica Vecchi, Luciano Balbo, Manuela Brusoni, and Stefano Caselli. Routledge – A Greenleaf Publishing Book
This book looks at impact investing as a refocus of venture capital to sustain the development of societal impact enterprises. It collects chapters from international experts on the subject, discussing the foundations of the movement; analysing leading international cases; and debating future trends in the field. Silvia co-authored Chapter 13 – “Social impact from giving to Investing”.
From Prosperity to Purpose: Perspectives on Philanthropy and Social Investment among Wealthy Individuals in Latin America. Published 2015
A pioneering report on philanthropy and social investment by wealthy individuals with a focus on Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Study conducted by Harvard University. Silvia funded the research from UBS and was a thought partner in discussions with the researchers and authors around distilling the key findings of the report. She also wrote the opening letter.
Fundraising Guide: A Resource for Philanthropists. Published 2015
Silvia co-authored this guide for philanthropists regarding their fundraising and resource mobilisation activities, since many wealthy philanthropists believe that finding co-funders is one of their biggest challenges. It was designed to lead them on a practical journey from asking the key question of why they wanted to fundraise and why someone would give, to developing and implementing a plan to elicit support.
Africa’s Wealthy Give Back. Published 2014
A report on philanthropy and social investment by wealthy Africans in sub-Saharan Africa with a focus on Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. Study was conducted in partnership with TrustAfrica. This was a pioneering report and importantly showed Africa as also a giving not just receiving continent. Silvia commissioned the report, helped to distil the key findings and wrote the opening letter.
UBS Philanthropy Compass. Published 2014
Silvia decided to publish the UBS Philanthropy Compass, a comprehensive and guide for philanthropists whether very experienced or new to the field. She final edited this report and since publishing it has been widely shared, and further translated into six languages other than English because of strong global demand (French, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, German, Spanish, and Portuguese).